English Classes for Kids
STEAM Education
Immerse your child in a fun-filled English environment with our lessons focused on science, programming, robotics, engineering, crafts, and math!
Seasonal Events and Camps.
Find us on "LINE"
for the latest information.
December, 2024
Reading Intensive Course
第1期生 体験レッスン開始!
November 8, 2024
Winter School 申込受付開始!
August 7, 2024
SUMMER SCHOOL180 registrations.
11月17日 AKINAI PRO KIDS お仕事体験!
2024年11月17日(日)森之宮キューズモールで開催の 「アキナイプロキッズ」イベント...
October 6th Pre-Expo Event – Report –
There are only six months until the Osaka Kansai Expo. This time, a pre-event was held at Utsubo Park in Nishi Ward! And in the kids' area...
Our Instructors
Starting this week, we have a new instructor. Ms. Yom from Ghana.
What makes us different?
A team of experienced teachers
with extensive backgrounds in overseas living and education.
ネイティブ講師とバイリンガル講師により、STEAM遊びと学びを強力にサポート! 英語を学ぶに留まらず、英語で何を学べるか、何ができるかを重視しています。
Activities from the perspective of STEAM education
Focusing on physical & mental health
Respecting the feeling of joy and happiness
My daughter always comes back from her lessons and excitedly tells me, "I had a blast!" She eagerly shares all the details of what they did that day. It's quite a struggle to convince her to take a break when she's not feeling well or has other commitments. Haha. Additionally, even after her lessons, she hangs out with her friends and continues speaking in English, so I feel that it's a great stimulating environment for her English skills.
I'm glad because above all, she enjoys going to Lemonade. Since she started attending, she has become more fluent in English.
What I like about Lemonade: 1. It supports and promotes STEAM education. 2. The activities provided during each session are extremely engaging, making it more than just traditional classroom learning. 3. It is conveniently located in Osaka city, making it easily accessible. 4. The instructors are all highly skilled and competent, providing a sense of security and reassurance.
“Thank you for always providing such fun lessons.I appreciate that each lesson covers different topics and includes activities that my child wouldn't normally have the chance to experience in everyday life. It's really broadening their horizons and experiences. My child looks forward to every class!“
The teachers, both foreign and Japanese, have a wonderful approach when it comes to students struggling with speaking English fluently or pronouncing words correctly. Instead of focusing on their mistakes or what they couldn't do, they prioritize appreciating the students' efforts and acknowledging their progress. As a parent, I believe it's crucial to create an environment where the child feels valued for taking that first step forward. The teachers' positive and supportive attitude helps the child maintain a confident and optimistic mindset towards English, ensuring they don't feel discouraged or inferior.
August 2024

① 北浜教室 ・英語学童 |
Kitahama 大阪市中央区平野町1丁目4-1 |
② 大阪産業創造館 ・英検®️ ・春夏冬スクール |
Business Innovation Center Osaka 大阪市中央区本町1丁目4-5 |
③ 堺筋本町教室 ・サタデークラス |
Sakaisuji-Hommachi 大阪市中央区南久宝寺町1丁目6-6 |
Where is it located?
The location for the Saturday class is "CONCOM,"about a 5-minute walk from Exit 3 of Sakaisuji-Honmachi Station.
The elevator is located at Exit 6.
Special events are often held at the "Osaka Sangyo Sozo-kan" (Sanso-kan), which is a short walk east from Exit 12 of Sakaisuji-Honmachi Station, after crossing two traffic signals.(Note: Exits 13 and 2 are equippedwith elevators.)
- **Bicycle Parking:**
There is a bicycle parking area at the back of the building (north side). A parking permit can be obtained from the Disaster Prevention Center on the first floor (located at the far right inside the building). - **Car Parking:**
There is a paid parking lot in the basement of the building, with the entrance located at the back (north side). <Information>
After-School Programis held in Hirano-cho 1-chome (Kitahama/Nakaoe area). The exact location will be provided separately.
Eiken classesare conducted either at "Osaka Sangyo Sozo-kan" (Sanso-kan) or through home visits (within walking distance from Sanso-kan).
SEASONAL CAMPSplease check the separate announcement for details.
Can you tell me about the teachers?
The instructors at Lemonade School come from diverse backgrounds, having been born and raised in various countries. They have dedicated themselves to their respective fields of expertise and are passionate about education.
Despite their diverse cultural backgrounds, all of our instructors share a common commitment: to impart all their knowledge and experiences to the children. They hope that the students will feel no language barriers as they navigate the world ahead of them, empowering them to maximize their potential and choose happiness.
For more information,Instructors introduction pageis available.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
What items are needed for class? (STEAM Class)
- For activities involving arts and crafts, please wear comfortable clothes that can get dirty.
- Face mask (optional)
- Water
- Handkerchief
- Pencils, erasers, colored pencils, glue, tape, and scissors
What exactly do you do in class? (STEAM Class)
Below are some examples of STEAM activities that are the main focus of the lessons.STEAM 5 FieldsCombiningEnglish Immersion(The schedule ishereandInstagram, both give you more information about the school.
- Hand Structure Robot: Students carefully observe their own hands, trace them, and then try to move them like real hands using paper tubes or yarn. Anatomy vocabulary is also introduced! (Science + Engineering + Arts)
- Heart model: Listen to the heart with a stethoscope. Measure your pulse. Compare your heart rate before and after exercise. After learning about the heart, create a model of the heart using three plastic bottles and see how it works. Color in a heart to review shapes and vocabulary! (Science + Math + Arts)
- Intro to Programming: With Viscuit and Scratch, you can experience the basics of computational thinking: "What can we create with a computer?". With activities using panel cards, you can learn the basics of movement using your body! (Technology + Arts)
- Paper crafts: Learn how things are made by using stencils to create buildings and other structures and using your hands to make them! (Engineering + Arts)
- Layers of the Earth: 自分の街から、地球、宇宙…と世界を広げていき、惑星としての地球の内部構造について粘土を使って学ぶ。自分だけの地球模型が完成!(Science + Arts)
Do you offer a make-up lesson?
The location for the Saturday class is "CONCOM,"
- 月1回ロングの日の午後に出席ください。もしくは他のクラスに空きがあり出席可能な場合もあります。ご相談ください。
クラス例:英語学童・フォニックス・多読クラス - チケット制の場合は事前に欠席連絡を頂くことで、無駄なくチケットをお使い頂けます。
- 他のクラスに空きがある場合に出席可能です。
- レッスン動画を確認することでグループに遅れなく進められます。
- 定期的に周遊Weekを設けています。その期間中は他のクラスにも入ることができます。
- 講師との日程調整をお願いします。
To ensure that you can still secure your English learning time even if you miss a class, we use reading materials specifically designed for our members. Progress is automatically shared with the instructor, so both in lessons and at home, we maximize support for your learning!
How do you prevent illness in the classroom?
We conduct health management for our staff, health checks for children upon entry, and monitor their well-being during lessons. If a child becomes unwell during class, we will promptly notify the parents.
During lessons, we make sure to periodically open the doors and allow time for hydration breaks.
Wearing a mask is optional; however, we may recommend wearing one if a student has any cold symptoms.
See you in the trial lesson!
Any questions? Please feel free to ask!
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Contact us