
Our Dedicated Instructors


Mr. Wick


話すと5秒でその楽しい人柄がわかるMr. Wick。一度会うと気になって仕方がなくなる?!魅力いっぱいの先生です。子どもの目線に立ち、目を合わせてはっきり話します。アメリカ出身で教師経験豊富。得意分野はサイエンス、コンピュータ、オーディオ。

Education & Qualifications:
修士号(教育学, 第二言語研究 & 英語教授法), サイエンス, IT

「みなさんこんにちは!ミスターウィックと呼んでください。日本に来てもうすぐ10年になりますが、高校生の時に初めて訪れ、大学では日本に留学しました。大阪が好きで、野球とゲームとガンダムも好きです。もし英語を教えていなかったら科学の先生になっていたと思うくらい科学も好きなので、みなさんと一緒に科学を探求することがとても楽しみです! 特に環境科学天文学に興味があり、NASAやJAXAのさまざまな新しい画像を見て、宇宙の星を訪れたらどんなだろうといつも想像しています。それではレッスンで会いましょう!」

“Hello everyone! Please call me Mr.Wick. I have been in Japan for almost ten years and visited in high school and studied here during university. I love Osaka, baseball, video games, and Gundam. If I wasn’t teaching English I would be a science teacher so I’m super excited to explore science with you! I especially love environmental science and astronomy. Online I am always looking at NASA and JAXA and new photos from various telescopes imagining being able to visit the stars.

See you soon!”

Mr. Etoro



Education & Qualifications:
修士号(ロボット工学), プログラミング, AI


Hello! I’m Etoro from Nigeria. I like robots, video games, and sports, especially basketball. I can’t wait to meet you so we can learn together and exchange ideas in English.

 Ms. Grace


日本のインターナショナルスクールで教え、マネジメント経験もあるMs. Graceは、柔らかい雰囲気ながらもテコンドーで鍛えた芯の強さを持ち合わせています! 子どもが楽しめるヒントがちりばめられたレッスンが得意です。

Education & Qualifications:
学士号(国際関係, 政治), IT


“Hello, my name is Grace and I am originally from New Zealand but also lived in Australia for some time where I majored in International Politics. I have been living in Japan for 5 years now. In my spare time, I like to study Japanese, play badminton, and go cafe hopping with friends. “




Education & Qualifications:


“Hello, my name is Teddy and I am from England in the UK. I have studied Event planning and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign language). I have been living in Japan for five months. In my free time I enjoy crocheting, sowing, visiting museums, art galleries and drinking tea. I am honoured to be part of this team and in helping children expand their English knowledge.”





Education & Qualifications:
修士号(デザイン&テクノロジー), 3Dアート, ゲーム制作


My name is Joshua and I am from Detroit Michigan. I have been living in Osaka with my wife and daughter for a little over year. I have a MFA Degree in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in NYC.  I really love making games and creating 3D art. I have a big interest in Final Fantasy and Marvel. Nice to meet you!

Ms. Divya


陽のエネルギーそのもののMs. Divyaは、多趣味で、子どもたちと楽しみを共有することが大好きです。いつも明るく、内側から輝くパッションは子どもの気持ちをとらえて離しません! 教育学と商学のダブル専攻、商学修士。教師経験は、インド・スイス・日本で計15年以上。

Education & Qualifications:
修士号(商学), IT, ヨガ

「インド生まれのディビャです。私を表す3つの言葉は、『情熱的、楽しい、エナジェティック』です! ダンス手芸プログラミングハイキング、自然の中で過ごすことなど、たくさんの趣味があります。また、瞑想インドヨガズンバをしたり教えたりするのも好きです。皆さんと私のクラスでご一緒することをとても楽しみにしています。楽しくてためになる、素晴らしい時間にしましょう!」

“I am Divya from India. Passionate, Fun, and Energetic are the three words that describe me. I have many hobbies such as dancing, crafting, programming, hiking, and spending time in nature. I also love to do & teach meditation, Indian yoga, and Zumba. I am so excited to meet you and have you in my class this year. We are going to have a fabulous time full of Fun and Learning.”

Ms. Denisa


医学の研究をしているアルバニア出身のMs. Denisaは、子ども英会話の教師経験もあり、いつもニコニコで、はっきり聞き取りやすく話します。主にサイエンスアナトミーなど、自然や身体について学ぶレッスンを担当します。

Education & Qualifications:


“My name is Denisa. I love reading, traveling, and watching movies. I am easygoing and enjoy working with children. My study theme is about bacteria so I love biology and science.”


Dr. Morita

Guest Instructor


Education & Qualifications:
博士号(理学博士), 研究(ゲノム編集技術, 万能細胞を用いた遺伝子改変, 宇宙放射線によるDNAの損傷と修復)


Hello everyone, my name is Takashi. I have been studying and working at a university in Osaka for a while now, and I’ve started to feel my age creeping up on me. My hobbies are music and DIY, although I’m not very skilled at it. Currently, I’m enjoying a hobby that would make any child jealous: putting LEDs in plastic models, installing motors to spin airplane propellers, and painting them. Looking forward to meeting you all.


Director & Instructor


Education & Qualifications:
修士号(第二言語習得研究), TOEIC 990点, 英検 1級, 中高英語教員免許



学校も大事、でも学びの機会は生活のどの場面にも散りばめられています! 教科の枠にとらわれないで、STEAMを中心に子どもが目を輝かせてわくわくするような英語環境の学びの場をご用意し、皆様に出会えることを楽しみにしています。」

“Lemonade is full of friendly and fun teachers who have been involved in education for many years. We started this class not only to teach English as a language, but also to provide you with opportunities to learn about people around the world, their cultures, and to feel the vastness of possibilities that lie beyond the English language. 

Japanese public education has an excellent standard in terms of developing basic academic skills in general, but it inevitably falls short in terms of developing the characteristics and strengths of individuals. It is truly unfortunate that the emphasis on conforming to one’s surroundings and doing what is expected by adults in group life is so great that it nips in the bud the individuality that each and every little child possesses. Each child’s individuality and the quality of “being different” will become their own strength, attract those around them, and lead them to truly enjoy life in the future.

School is important, but learning can take place anywhere. We are dedicated to creating an environment that transcends subject boundaries and allows children to learn with a sparkle in their eyes and excitement for what is happening in the natural world. We look forward to seeing your smiles!”



Official Endorsers

ー レモネードスクールの理念に賛同し応援してくださっている方々 ー

Dr. Laurel Rasplica Rodd
University of Colorado at Boulder

Dr. Yu Takahashi
高橋 雄宇 氏
Navigation Engineer

Mr. Jason Calahan
Middle School Teacher

Ms. Amarachi Adannaya Igboegwu
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(DEI) Strategist
Global Induction Trainer Norwegian Regugee Council


Our Students’ Kindergartens & Schools

中央なにわ幼稚園 愛珠幼稚園 ビクトリアキッズ イングリッシュアカデミー アブロードインターナショナルスクール 大阪信愛学院幼稚園・小学校 ハミンモンテッソーリ幼稚園 中大江小学校 開平小学校 南大江小学校 堀川小学校 堀江小学校 日吉小学校 扇町小学校 豊津第二小学校 藤田小学校 インフィニティ国際学院初等部 OWIS ワンワールドインターナショナルスクール大阪 関西大学初等部 ほか

大阪市中央区、北区、西区、天王寺区、港区、住之江区、城東区、東淀川区、都島区 吹田市 豊中市 枚方市 守口市



Business Innovation Center Osaka

1-4-5 Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

This is an American proverb.








Trial Lessons are available!

Any questions? Please feel free to ask!

We look forward to seeing you soon.





We are here for you

Since the internet became widely accessible in our daily lives about 25 years ago, we have been exposed to a vast amount of information. It has become crucial to develop media literacy skills to determine which information to trust and choose.

One of the motivations for learning English is the belief that it helps eliminate the language barrier when accessing information.


If you can understand English and embrace multiculturalism, you open yourself up to a vast array of information beyond what is available in Japanese alone. This includes a wide range of news outlets and connections with people from all over the world, giving you access to a diverse range of information. Moreover, you have the opportunity to share your voice globally. This expands your career opportunities and greatly increases the choices available to you in life.

We are dedicated to creating an exciting English environment through STEAM activities for children and their supportive parents, who are preparing to thrive in the future. By offering this engaging experience, we aim to expand their horizons and unlock endless possibilities.